Sunday, May 27, 2012

Book of Mormon Journal

This is a project that I started a few years ago that I wanted to put into a more permanent format than simple paper and ink. I have a conviction and appreciation of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and want to share some of the insights that I have received over the years.

The goals behind this project are:

1. Have entries for every chapter in the Book of Mormon as well as introductory areas (such as the Title Page, etc).
2. Make sure these entries contain some specific insights that I have on the passages.
3. Have a digitized version of this project.
4. Enable others to add comments to share their own insights or comment on the ones I have posted.
5. Complete this before the world comes to an "end" in December 2012.

Let me know your thoughts and testimonies.  I know that I'm not a professional theologian or scholar, but I also feel that I can help expand my knowledge as well as others as I accomplish this project.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to seeing your comments!

--Adam Gedeborg

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful Adventure - looking forward to reading more!
