Sunday, May 27, 2012

Title Page

1st Paragraph - "Written to the Lamanites"
The descendants of the Lamanites that live today are one of the intended audiences of the Book of Mormon, as stated in this paragraph of the Title Page. These people are actually a mixture of Nephites, Lamanites, Jacobites, Josephites, etc. This is shown in the years after Christ came to the Americas closer to the end of the Book of Mormon. This shows that being a "Lamanite" was more of a matter of belief rather than of lineage. People considered "Lamanite" were those who rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Take Ammoron, the brother of Amalickiah in the book of Alma. Even being of Nephite lineage, he calls himself a "Bold Lamanite." 
If I don't watch myself continually, repent, and improve, I am in danger of becoming (in that sense) a Lamanite.

2nd Paragraph - "To show unto [us] what great things the Lord hath done for our fathers..."
In Moroni 10:3-5, Moroni exhorts us to remember what great things that the Lord has done for our fathers (how merciful He has been). This helps us be grateful. It also helps eliminate pride.  When we ask God for different things, it is very important to be grateful for what He has already given us.  This comes especially into play when following the the later counsel from Moroni to "Ask of God." As we are grateful, it opens us up to be more humble, more teachable, and more open to revelation from God, and that He WILL answer our prayers and witness to us that these things are true. It's a much better idea than just flippantly asking, "Is it true?"

2nd Paragraph - "And now, if there are faults, they are the mistakes of men; wherefore condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the Judgment-seat of Christ."
This is reminiscent of Nephi in 1 Nephi 19:6 when Nephi explains that any faults are the faults of the flesh, or of man.  We must realize that God will give us a lot.  He wants us to succeed and have everything that He has.  However, we must also realize that God will also give us a lot of "wiggle room" in order to help us to develop faith.  There is a lot that we can learn, but we have to trust in the Lord to help bridge many faith gaps.  Sometimes these faith gaps can include noticing seeming inconsistencies in writing styles in the scriptures...but I think that perhaps some faith gaps for some of the writers of the scriptures could have been trying their best to write the word of the Lord and seeing errors in their writing.  A few of the prophets in the Book of Mormon wrote about this exact thing...take 1 Nephi 19:6, 2 Nephi 33:4,11, and Ether 12:23-25 for examples.
If we trust in the Lord to help us with understanding, avoiding harsh judgment on those who were trying their best, and seeking to understand their intended words/concepts, we will be able to come to a better understanding.  We will also come to trust the Lord more as we see increased understanding and answers to prayer.

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