Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Testimony of Three Witnesses

1st Paragraph - "...through the grace of God..."
The privilege of seeing the Gold Plates would bring a lot of 'bragging rights'...(Yeah I saw the plates...and you DIDN'T...)  However, there's something to be said for the humility of these men.  They realized that it was a gift from God and a great privilege to see the plates, and not an event to be taken lightly.  We need to be humble as well, or risk being humbled...

1st Paragraph - "...obedient unto the commandments of God..."
Unlike these witnesses, we don't have the commandment to witness that we saw the Gold Plates.  However, we do have the commandment to stand as witnesses at all times, in all things, and in all places (Mosiah 18:9).  As this scripture states, as we live up to that commandment to share our witness of the Book of Mormon, of other scripture, but especially our witness of God, we will be blessed with redemption, being part of the first resurrection, and most importantly, eternal life.

1st Paragraph - "...if we are faithful in Christ..."
I feel that there is a slight difference between "faithful" and "faith".  Faithful is more of a connotation of being true to somebody or something, while you normally have faith in somebody or something.  In this vein, I feel that faithfulness is a product of faith.  If we truly have faith in Christ, we will be faithful to Him.

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