Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Helaman Chapter 6

6:3 - "...the people of the church did have great joy because of the conversion of the Lamanites, yea, because of the church of God, which had been established among them..."
We receive this joy as we are acting in faith to accomplish our work and glory.  We help others come unto Christ as we do the same.
And it does bring us joy, and opens us up more to the gift of faith.

6:4-5 - "...Yea, and many [Lamanites] did preach with exceedingly great power and authority, unto the bringing down many of them into the depths of humility, to be the humble followers of God and the Lamb..."
This shows another example that God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34, D&C 1:35, D&C 38:16).  He will give to all who are worthy the Holy Ghost and the power and authority needed to preach.
The point though, is to stay worthy of that blessing..

6:35 - "...And thus we see that the Spirit of the Lord began to withdraw from the Nephites, because of the wickedness and the hardness of their hearts..."
It's important to not drive the Spirit away.  He will go because of iniquity and when we don't listen.
We must listen at all times, because it is very easy to fall and be deceived.

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