Sunday, February 3, 2013

Moroni Chapter 4

4:1 - "...they administered it according to the commandments of Christ..."
Obedience with exactness is what we need to do.  We must do what is expected of us.  If we sin, we must repent and come unto Christ.

4:2-3 - " remembrance...and always remember him..."
A rock climber was once saved from certain death by his climbing partner, and when asked how he thanked his savior, he said, "The best way to thank him is to always remember him."
We show our gratefulness by renewing our covenants weekly to remember our Savior.

4:3 - "...and always remember him..."
This is a key component of faith.  How can we have faith in somebody we don't know or try to get to know regularly?  We can all do better to remember Him.  We want to be remembered, and we should do the same.

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