Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ether Chapter 15

15:3-6 - "...[Coriantumr] began to repent of the evil which he had done...the people repented not of their iniquity..."
This shows that when the people as a majority become wicked, then they are ripe for destruction (Alma 10:19, Helaman 5:2).  This shows the importance of missionary work and helping others to be righteous.

15:3-6 - "...[Coriantumr] began to repent of the evil which he had done...the people repented not of their iniquity..."
Sometimes even the influence of a leader when they try to repent is not enough!  Coriantumr tried to act in faith, but the consequences of his actions meant that the people saw his wicked influence from before and would not change.  The key then, is to continue trying in faith.  Sometimes you can still make a difference!

15:33-34 - "...And the Lord spake unto Ether, and said unto him: Go forth. And he went forth, and beheld that the words of the Lord had all been fulfilled..."
Ether was a witness of the destruction of the Jaredites, and so was Coriantumr.  It's a sad story, so hopefully we can learn from the story and repent before it's too late!

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