Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mormon Chapter 2

2:13 - "...But behold this my joy was vain, for their sorrowing was not unto repentance..."
When we feel truly sorrowful for our sins, we will forsake them.  This means more than simply not doing them again - we will do what we can to put ourselves into situations to avoid similar temptation in the future, and work to change our attitudes and desires, replacing bad behaviors with good ones.
We must always repent sincerely.

2:23 - "...And it came to pass that I did speak unto my people, and did urge them with great energy, that they would stand boldly before the Lamanites and fight for their wives, and their children, and their houses, and their homes..."
Mormon really tried to keep their hearts in the right place, but many did not.  We need to fight for the right reasons - if we fight at all.  We must be on the Lord's side, which may be neither side of an argument.

2:26 - "...yea, we were left to ourselves, that the Spirit of the Lord did not abide in us; therefore we had become weak like unto our brethren..."
This is yet another consequence of not having faith.  These chapters show us some sad consequences, yes, but we should focus on the blessings as much as possible and seek to willingly have faith.

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