Monday, January 7, 2013

Mormon Chapter 1

1:2 - "...I perceive that thou art a sober child, and art quick to observe..."
Mormon gave a great example.  We can take his example and be quick to observe and slow to act irrationally.

1:15 - "...and I, being fifteen years of age and being somewhat of a sober mind, therefore I was visited of the Lord, and tasted and knew of the goodness of Jesus..."
When Mormon was 15 years old he was visited by the Lord.
We definitely need to follow his example.  If we do what it takes, the blessings come.
We need to follow the example of the Savior and His servants.

1:17 - "...But I did remain among them, but I was forbidden to preach unto them, because of the hardness of their hearts; and because of the hardness of their hearts the land was cursed for their sake..."
Here it shows some consequences of not having faith.  We have great blessings removed from us, like the prophets.  The land is also cursed.  It makes sense to work for the blessings.
If we want the blessings, we need to keep the commandments that they are predicated upon.

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