Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Alma Chapter 28

28:6 - "...and now surely this was a sorrowful day; yea, a time of solemnity, and a time of much fasting and prayer..."
These people could have just been sorrowful and mopey, and been ineffective, but they had faith that fasting and prayer would bring comfort during their time of grief.

28:13 - "...and thus we see how great the inequality of man is because of sin and transgression, and the power of the devil, which comes by the cunning plans which he hath devised to ensnare the hearts of men..."
We truly are unequal, but that is only a result of sin and transgression.  The more we work to be righteous, the more understanding we gain, and the more we realize that we are all equal.  Inequality comes from pride.
We must humble ourselves to avoid this.

28:14 - "...and thus we see the great call of diligence of men to labor in the vineyards of the Lord..."
We see how much joy comes as more souls are saved, and we see how much sorrow comes as souls reject the gospel.
This shows the importance of sharing the gospel with all around us - whether or not they are a member of the church.

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