Friday, October 12, 2012

Alma Chapter 38

38:11-14 - "...See that ye are not lifted up unto pride; yea, see that ye do not boast in your own wisdom, nor of your much strength..."
Watch out for pride!  In this passage of scripture, it discusses how the Zoramites would pray in a very prideful manner.  If we do not watch out, we can slowly but surely let pride seep into our lives and prayers!

38:12 - "...see that ye refrain from idleness..."
This can be a problem for many people.  We often have so much going on that we overload and burn out, and just want to be idle for a while.  It's quite ironic.
If we can just pace ourselves and not run faster than we have strength, acting in faith even when we want to be idle or just sleep - then we will have that added measure of help!

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