Sunday, October 28, 2012

Alma Chapter 58

58:12 - "...and we did take courage with our small force which we had received, and were fixed with a determination to conquer our enemies, and to maintain our lands, and our possessions, and our wives, and our children, and the cause of our liberty..."
This relates to Alma 47:6 - Lehonti and his army were fixed in their minds with a determined resolution that they would not come down from the mountain and be subjected to the Nephites.  This shows how important acting in faith can be.  Helaman and his warriors worked to be obedient to the commandments and fight for their lands and wives and children (Alma 58:40-41; 57:21-22).
Lehonti took the easy route and came down from the mountain (Alma 47:10-14).
Helaman and his brethren succeeded and had the help of the Lord while Lehonti was poisoned by degrees.
We must make the correct choice and follow it.

58:15-19 - " this was done because the Lamanites did suffer their whole army, save a few guards only, to be led away into the wilderness..."
The Lamanites allowed Teancum to lure them out of their stronghold and take over their city.
We must not come out of our strongholds.  Satan would have us if he could - and sift us like wheat.

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