Saturday, October 20, 2012

Alma Chapter 47

47:6-14 - "...and they had appointed a man to be a king and a leader over them, being fixed in their minds with a determined resolution that they would not be subjected to go against the Nephites..."
Lehonti was fixed at first with a determined resolution, but eventually went down from the mountain.  We sometimes do this too.  We need to have faith that we can stay on our spiritual and personal mountains, and then act on that faith to resist the temptation to 'come down.'

47:18 - "...and it came to pass that Amalickiah caused that one of his servants should administer poison by degrees to Lehonti, that he died..."
This is reminiscent of 2 Nephi 28:21-23, where in a similar manner, it describes how Satan seeks to lead us carefully away down to Hell.
We must watch out because Satan is continually seeking to pull us down.

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