Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Alma Chapter 51

51:2 - "...there were a part of the people who desired that a few particular points of the law should be altered..."
A few points of the law to be altered??  They wanted to change the law to allow a King!  That's much more drastic than altering the law to allow, say, free trade of obsidian or something like that.
The Brother of Jared said that having a king would lead to captivity (Ether 6:23).  And it does.
We must be careful to carefully review when people say they want to change a "few particular points of the law" - that these alterations do not lead us down a path of captivity.

51:36 - "...and [Teancum] caused that his armies should stand in readiness..."
Teancum realized that the Lamanites could come upon them at any moment, so he had his armies stand in readiness.
We need to stand in readiness at all times against Satan and his followers, because temptations can come at any time.

51:36 - "...and [Teancum] caused that his armies should stand in readiness..."
This is another act of faith.  Teancum had just done what he could to break up the Lamanite leadership, and then realized that he had to stand ready in case of retaliation.  He realized that if he stood prepared that by acting in faith, the Lord would help them withstand any attacks or possibly avert them.  In this case, they avoided an attack because the Lamanites ran off.
If we act in faith and stand in readiness, we will be prepared for whatever the outcome may be.

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