Monday, September 17, 2012

Alma Chapter 10

10:5-6 - "...Nevertheless, I did harden my heart, for I was called many times and I would not hear; therefore I knew concerning these things, yet I would not know..."
Amulek had seen much of the mysteries and marvelous power of the Lord, yet hardened his heart.
How many times do I do that?  Especially since I have seen many great things and still doubt sometimes.  I don't know if I doubt the Lord as much as I doubt my own worthiness or legitimate entitlement.  That's why it's so important to let virtue garnish our thoughts unceasingly.

10:12 - "...and now, when Amulek had spoken these words the people began to be astonished, seeing there was more than one witness who testified of the things whereof they were accused, and also of the things which were to come, according to the spirit of prophecy which was in them..."
This is the part where the unspoken testimony of two witnesses comes in to play.  Amulek didn't stand up and say, "Look! I'm that second witness you were asking for!"  He just stood up and testified how the Lord testified to him that Alma was a true prophet, and that he needed to do more for the work of the Lord (Alma 9:6).
I would almost expect Amulek to testify first that he was another this shows that we need to realize and be ready for when the Lord wants us to give (or receive) a different message than the one that we are expecting.

10:23 - "...But it is by the prayers of the righteous that ye are spared..."
How often are we spared many difficulties and judgments because of the prayers of someone else for us!  I'm sure it happens a lot more often than we realize.  We should exercise our faith in behalf of others, because often that will be the only way they will receive the blessing they need at that time.

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