Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mosiah Chapter 24

24:14-15 - "...And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders..."
Most of the time, the Lord is not going to just remove our burdens, but he can, and does make them lighter at needed times.
It's important to be tested in all things, so we know for ourselves that we will be obedient, and that we are becoming like God.

24:14-15 - "...they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord..."
This takes faith...great faith.  But as we work to submit patiently to the will of the Lord, even when the trials are not removed from us, we will be so much more richly blessed.  If we can humble ourselves without being compelled to be humble, that's much more important.
It's also important to realize that when we are going through tough times, there's probably somebody nearby that needs our help.

24:18-21 - "...And Alma and his people departed into the wilderness..."
The differences between this escape and the one a few chapters ago include the fact that the Lord helped Alma's people escape through a deep sleep on the Lamanites.  the people of Alma recognized that it was the Lord that helped them.  The people of Limhi helped the guards become drunk, and didn't necessarily recognize that the Lord helped them.
We need to look for and recognize the Lord's hand in our own daily lives, trials, deliverance, and sustaining in our afflictions.

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