Monday, September 24, 2012

Alma Chapter 18

18:10 - "...surely there has not been any servant among all my servants that has been so faithful as this man; for even he doth remember all my commandments to execute them..."
This is a good measuring device to see if we are faithful servants.
If we will, like Ammon, remember all the commandments of our master - and execute them - then we are faithful and effective servants.
This is how we should live the gospel, lead our families, and perform in the workplace.

18:22-23 - "...and thus he was caught with guile..."
Ammon caught Lamoni with guile.  Was this the right thing to do?  If Ammon was being led by the Spirit to do that, then yes.
One key that helps is to notice in verse 22 that Ammon was "harmless."  He would not use guile to gain half the kingdom from Lamoni - so the Lord trusted Ammon in this case.  Additionally, Lamoni would probably have recognized if Ammon was using the guile to be manipulative and gain half the kingdom.
We need to follow the Spirit to know the best way to proceed at the right time.

18:23 - "...yea, I will believe all thy words..."
Lamoni put his trust and faith in Ammon to listen to the message and to be willing to believe even before Ammon started "teaching."  It appears that Lamoni had already been learning long before the gospel discussion, and that Ammon had been teaching through his actions.
We need to work to have this kind of faith towards the Lord and His servants to be ready to receive their messages and act on the promptings we receive.

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