Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Alma Chapter 20

20:4 - "...I know, in the strength of the Lord thou canst do all things..."
In any situation, God and one other person is always a majority.
In this case, Lamoni did what he could, and God made up the rest.  When the Lord is on your side, all things are possible.
We just need to make sure that we are on the Lord's side.

20:4 - "...I know, in the strength of the Lord thou canst do all things. But behold, I will go with thee..."
This is a good principle.  We do know that the Lord can do all things - even through other people than us - but often the way that He wants to do these things is through us.  It helps us learn and grow in faith and unity.
We must act in faith to use our talents and abilities to help others.

20:24-27 - "...Ammon saw that he had wrought upon the old king according to his desire..."
This is a good pattern to follow, if the Spirit directs it:

  1. Testify of a principle (Ammon said that Lamoni should do according to his own desires).
  2. See the reaction (Ammon waited for the King to react - which in this case was in favor of the principle).
  3. Follow up (Ammon got a return appointment to visit with the King of the Lamanites later).
Obviously, sometimes this won't work, but there's a lot that you can tell about somebody and what you need to teach based on their reaction to a principle that you teach.

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