Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mosiah Chapter 26

26:3 - "...because of their unbelief they could not understand the word of God; and their hearts were hardened..."
If we continue to doubt the Word of God, it makes things worse, because doubt and fear cannot exist at the same time.
If we want to progress and learn more, we must work on developing more faith and eliminate doubt.

26:24 - "...if they know me, they shall come forth...in my name are they called..."
We show that we have taken upon us His name by "knowing" him...or in other words, by coming forth and acting on our knowledge.  If we do this, we will have a place eternally at His right hand.

26:31 - "...ye shall also forgive one another your trespasses..."
If we do not forgive one another, we do not have true faith.  We are telling the Lord that we don't believe Him when He says that the sinner can repent.  This can be dangerous, because with the same judgment that we "mete", it shall be "meted" upon us.
We must have faith enough in the Lord that He will forgive sinners and have faith enough in our fellow man to also forgive them.
Some may say, "Well, this person has done something horrible, and I don't want them near my family."  There is a difference between natural consequences and forgiveness.  In the case of child molestation, for example, while it is definitely possible and essential to forgive the transgressor, it would not be wise to let them be alone with children.
Each circumstance is its own circumstance, and we cannot give a blanket judgment over all similar situations.  However, it is important to realize that we must forgive, even if the consequences may put us in a situation that it may look like we have not forgiven the person.  God will look on our hearts and at the last day the judgment will be just.

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