Monday, September 3, 2012

Mosiah Chapter 25

25:15-16 - "...Alma did speak unto them...preaching unto the people repentance and faith on the Lord...[and] that they should remember that it was the Lord that did deliver them..."
An integral part of faith is remembering. We should remember that it is the Lord who delivers us, and we can have faith that He will deliver us was we are working and striving to be a true disciple.  Often this doesn't mean that our trials will be taken away from us, but that we will be strengthened in our afflictions and trials.
We must have faith that all things will work for our good.

25:16 - "...he did exhort [them] that they should remember that it was the Lord that did deliver them..."
We need to remember that it is the Lord who delivers us, as we make the appropriate actions.  There is no way that we can do it all on our own.  We need His help, and we should be humble as we remember this.  Grace is not a safety net that will catch us if we is an enabling power that makes it so we can walk in the first place.  Calling it a safety net implies that we can make it on our own, and we can't. It is impossible.  Through the grace and atonement of Jesus Christ, we are able to have the possibility of returning to God and living with Him forever.
We must do our part, yes, but we cannot save ourselves even after "all we can do."

25:22 - "...notwithstanding there being many churches, they were all one church..."
It is fantastic to go to another chapel anywhere in the world and see the same doctrines and principles being taught.  The way the church coordinates the lessons and teachings is fantastic, as it encourages learning but also avoids a lot of false teachings.
We need to realize that while the teachings at different chapels is very similar all over the world, each person receives revelation differently.  We may have the same lesson topics, but each person receives a different message from the Holy Ghost.
It's the same...and it's different.  That's how it works.
We must always follow the Spirit so we receive the revelation intended for us.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the insights - especially the part about grace not being a safety net (that's the way I used to look at it) - You are right - Grace is the enabling power to walk in the first place! i want to remember that!
