Saturday, June 16, 2012

1 Nephi Chapter 12

12:10 - "...because of their faith in the Lamb of God their garments are made white..."
It's tough to be faithful.  It takes work.  It takes times of picking ourselves out of the despair, doubt, and fear, and trying again each time we have setbacks.  You don't have time to wallow in despair when you're acting in faith.

12:15-18 - "...they were gathered together to battle..."
The Nephites and the Lamanites would gather together to battle - showing the fountain of filthy water, the river of Hell, and mists of temptations.  When we seek to gratify our own pride and fight others, we stand in impure places.  We must remain humble and do all we can to let the Lord guide us to do what He wants.

12:18 - "...a great and a terrible gulf divideth them..."
This gulf divides the prideful from the word of God.  It's not that the Lord doesn't want to help this scenario, He can't.  This is because we won't accept His help.  Because of sin, we put that gulf into place between us...and He can't just show mercy.  Mercy cannot rob justice.  Many think that mercy is a free gift.  But you cannot expect the difference to be paid on justice until you have paid the required price for mercy.
The Lord is ready and willing to pay, and it is by His grace that it is paid.  We must do our part now.

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