Monday, June 4, 2012

A Brief Explanation about the Book of Mormon

Basic thoughts
I wonder what Mormon or Moroni or Nephi would have written if they were in the situation that I am in, living in this time period.  What would they have focused on while writing in their "journal"?  I try to take their example and write about spiritual things as well as struggles and triumphs.  It's difficult sometimes!  But it's good to keep a journal.  It helps you to remember and learn from the past.

8th Paragraph - "...hid it up unto the Lord..."
This is another example of trusting the Lord.  Moroni wrote, and then sealed it up, in hopes of helping a future generation.  I can do the same by trusting the Lord and following His counsel to write in my journal.  I can do better with may help others in the future.

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