Friday, June 8, 2012

1 Nephi Chapter 4

4:1-5 - Motivational Speech Outline!

1. Start with the problem.
2. Build on the problem, that you can do more than the problem actually is.
3. Cite a great, applicable, classic example.
4. Back to the problem..."We can do this!"
5. Reinforce with an example.
6. Reinforce by being an example.

How was it used here?

1. Let us go up again to Jerusalem...being faithful to the commandments, to face Laban.
2. We can face Laban, and his fifty.  AND his tens of thousands.
3. Let us be like Moses - they came through the Red Sea, and Pharaoh's army was destroyed.
4. The Lord is able to deliver us from Laban.
5. ...Even as he delivered Moses & Israel.
6. I went forth - led by the Spirit.

4:6 - "I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."
This is the attitude that we should have.  Even when we don't know the outcome, we must act in Faith and go forward, looking in the Mirror of Christ.  As we do so, we will be opening ourselves to guidance from the Holy Ghost.  We have to do our part, and then listen when we receive direction, acting to follow that direction.  Praying can be implies responsibility.  Take it, and walk in faith.

4:11-17 - Inspired Thought Process
1. Laban had not hearkened unto the Lord's commandments.
2. The Lord slayeth the wicked to bring about righteous purposes.
3. Better that one man perish than a whole nation dwindle and perish in unbelief.
4. You perish if you don't keep the commandments.
5. You can't keep the commandments if you don't have them.
6. The person who had the commandments (Laban) wasn't keeping the commandments.
7. When the Lord commands, I obey.
The challenge is to trusted and be known for being solid in keeping the commandments.

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