Saturday, June 30, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 4

4:4 - "...inasmuch as ye keep the commandments, ye shall prosper..."
Many times we wonder how we can do better and get better things - but if we seek first the kingdom of God, these things will be added unto us.  First, we must keep the commandments (Jacob 2:18-19).
We must keep the commandments if we want to be blessed.

4:15 - The scriptures are written for our learning and profit.
We should delight in and ponder the scriptures.  As we do, we realize the great things the Lord has done for our fathers (Moroni 10:3).
Then we are more grateful and humble because we realize that we are dependent upon the the Lord and that He loves and blesses us.

4:24 - "...and by day I have waxed bold in mighty prayer..."
I think I need to study this a bit more, because I think I say "safe" prayers and I could be more bold.  I need to figure out the best way to pray in faith, and how to really talk to Heavenly Father.

4:28-35 - "...awake my soul..."
It is true that we are not perfect.  We sin.  But we do not have to lease heart because of our afflictions.  We are immensely blessed, and, to be honest, what are four days of stomach flu in comparison to eternal life and happiness?
Let us be grateful.

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