Sunday, June 17, 2012

1 Nephi Chapter 13

13:23 - " proceedeth out of the mouth of a Jew..."
The Bible is like unto the plates of brass...only there is more on the plates of brass.
The prophets Zenos & Zenock and others prophesied in the plates of brass and we have a few of their words in the Book of Mormon.  It will be interesting and edifying to read the rest of the information/stories on the plates of brass and other scriptures.  We must accept and apply what we have now in order to receive more light and knowledge.

13:26-35 - "...they have taken away from the gospel of the Lamb many parts which are plain and precious..."
It mentions 8 times that "plain and precious truths" or "parts" that were taken away from the Bible.  The plain and precious truths involve the commandments. "...spoken plainly..." or in other words... "according to the commandments" (Alma 5:43).
The commandments are plain so that we cannot err.  They are clear so we have no excuse.  We study the commandments so we have no condemnation as we follow them.

13:37 - "...blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost..."
A lot of times we ask ourselves what "Acting in Faith" means.  We know that when we DO act in faith, we receive the help of the Holy Ghost in directing our paths.  Seeking to bring forth Zion (building up the church and its members) is one way to act in Faith.  And we will have that help from the Holy Ghost.

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