Thursday, June 28, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 2

2:8 - " great the importance to make these things known..."
It's our purpose to be instruments in God's hands to bring others unto Christ.  This is no small matter.  How sad would I be if I never had the truth?
Let us share the Gospel.

2:12 - Purpose of the creation of the world
The Lord created the earth so that it would be inhabited.
We were created to inhabit, beautify, and replenish the earth.
(1 Nephi 17:36, D&C 88:25, Moses 1:31)

2:16 - "...we could not act without being enticed by one or the other..."
If we were not enticed, we would not act...either for good or bad.  We would just sit and do nothing (Moroni 7:13).
If we want to do what is right, we must give ourselves good motivation!

2:25 - "...Adam fell that men might be; and men are that they might have joy..."
Moses 1:39 - Purpose of God - His work and glory.
D&C 11:20 - Our work
Alma 29:9 - Our glory...and our joy
D&C 18:10,15-16 - Worth of Souls - our joy

Just as God has His own work and glory - we have our own work and glory.  It really involves helping the Lord with His work and glory.

2:25 - " are that they might have joy..."
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf talked about this in the November 2007 Ensign pg. 18-21:
"Wherever you live on this earth and whatever your life's situation may be, I testify to you that the gospel of Jesus Christ has the divine power to lift you to great heights from what appears at times to be an unbearable burden or weakness."
There really is no reason to be unhappy.  We can be going through the most amazingly tough trials and have the attitude, "What wonderful trials I'm blessed to have!"
Sure it's tough.  But we can still be happy.
If we're sad or depressed, etc., we need to figure out what's causing these feelings, then change, so we can have joy.

2:27 - We are free to make our choices, no matter where it leads us.
However...the eventual result of any good decision will be our happiness.  The Lord paid the price, then told us that we can choose that path or not.  Why would I want to choose another path?
Let us resist the natural man and Satan's temptations and choose the Lord's path.

2:28 - " faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit..."
We have to make the choice.  If we are faithful to the Lord, we will have eternal life.  If we are faithful to Satan, then we will receive captivity.
It's up to us to decide and then act in faith.

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