Saturday, June 9, 2012

1 Nephi Chapter 5

5:1-7 - Sariah was comforted
Sometimes our wife (or husband) will have a bad day, or time of depression, and we need to be there...not to compromise our callings (vs 2-4) as in saying that we are not called of God...but by being a comfort in time of need.

5:10 - First things first
Lehi got the Brass Plates from his sons, and immediately gave thanks to the Lord.  The next thing he did was to search the plates.
We should also do the same: 1. Be Grateful, then 2. Study the Scriptures.

5:10 - Gratefulness
As we are grateful, the Lord can help us gain humility.  We can have more humility as we put credit where credit is due and realize that our blessings come from God.  As we do this, He can trust us with more.  There are many areas in our lives in which we need more gratefulness and humility.  Otherwise, we will regress.

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