Saturday, June 23, 2012

1 Nephi Chapter 19

19:9 - The Lord suffereth all because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering.
You can see the fulfillment of the prophecy in Matthew 26 & 27.  He truly did suffer for us and I am grateful.  Now it's up to us to keep the commandments and help others to come unto Him - which is our work and our glory (D&C 11:20Alma 29:9).

19:18 - "...that perhaps I might persuade them that they would remember the Lord their Redeemer..."
A few verses later Nephi talks about believing in the Lord, but this verse is talking about remembering the Lord.  This is part of the covenants that we renew each week when we take the Sacrament.  If we want the Spirit to be with us and have the Lord play a greater role in our lives, we must remember Him!

19:23 - Isaiah more fully persuades us to believe in the Lord our Redeemer.
But - we must liken the scriptures unto us.
It doesn't make sense to just breeze through the scriptures and say "ok, now I'm done."
We must read and re-read the scriptures and apply what we learn.
Elder Spencer J. Condie talked about this in the November Ensign, 2007, pg. 16-18.  He said that we can gain and claim the exceeding great and precious promise of the Lord if we will liken all scriptures unto ourselves.  This helps us gain divine guidance and inspiration.
If we put forth the effort, we will have direction.  God cannot steer a parked car (2 Nephi 32:3).

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