Monday, June 11, 2012

1 Nephi Chapter 7

7:12-13 - "The Lord is able to do all things according to his will...if we exercise faith in him."
Having faith that things are possible isn't really enough.  We need to have faith in Jesus Christ, and that He is able to accomplish those things.  When we realize that, we come to a better understanding of faith, which will help us with our requests/duties.  We need to truly understand the doctrine.

7:12-13 - "Let us be faithful to him"
The Lord is able to do all things if we exercise faith in him.  We do this by proceeding forward to do all that we can and then trusting and hoping that the Lord will take care of the rest.  As we move forward in faith, we receive the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to guide us in the things we need to do & say, as well as the direction we need to go.  He wants us to succeed, and He will help us.  We just need to do our part, having faith in Him.  This in turn will help us come closer to Him, and help us become more like Him.  We will remember Him more and have virtue garnish our thoughts unceasingly -- great blessings!

7:15 - "...if ye have choice, go up to the land..."
I find it interesting that Nephi tells them to go back to Jerusalem if they want to, and that they choose to not go back.  Laman & Lemuel made a lot of good & bad choices, and one good one was going to the Promised Land.  We need to be obedient in making correct choices.

7:21 - "...I did frankly forgive them..."
President Gordon B. Hinckley talked about this in the November 2007 Ensign, Pg. 62-66.  "So many of us make a great fuss of matters of small consequence. We are so easily offended.  Happy is the man who can brush aside the offending remarks of another and go on his way.  Grudges, if left to fester, can become serious maladies.  Like a painful ailment they can absorb all of our time and attention."
We will be much happier if we can frankly forgive.  Nephi did, and his life was being threatened!  We can also forgive in our own situations.

1 comment:

  1. Nephi sure was a good example of one who is forgiving and faithful!
