Sunday, June 24, 2012

1 Nephi Chapter 20

20:3-8 - "...they were declared unto thee, lest thou shouldst say—Behold I knew them..."
The Lord reveals things before they happen so we can't say, "I knew that would happen..." or "my idol revealed it to me."  He does that also because of our stiffneckedness.
We need to be more humble and realize that it IS the Lord accomplishing great miracles in our own lives as well as the world.  Then we need to be instruments in His hands to help the work.

20:6-7 - "...they are created now, and not from the beginning..."
What comes to mind for me is technology.  Computers have only recently been invented, and the rate of increase in knowledge has risen exponentially.  It's amazing to see it, and it truly is a miracle from the Lord.  This scripture may explain one reason we haven't seen computers before in history..."they are created now, and not from the beginning...lest thou shouldst say - Behold I knew them."  We like to say that mankind is brilliant and full of geniuses.  This may be true, but without the gift and power of the Holy Ghost, we may never have progressed this far.  I am grateful for these many amazing inventions and blessings, and as we are humble and do not develop feelings of entitlement, we will use these inventions in a righteous manner, and even receive more as we do so.

20:21 - "...he clave the rock also..."
In this verse, it mentions twice in a very short amount of words that the Lord caused water to flow out of the rock.  When things are repeated, it shows that it has importance.  
The Israelites had water flow from the rock.
We have Living Water in the Lord - and in order to receive more, we must be obedient.  All things can and will be made known unto us.

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