Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith

17th Paragraph - "...I obeyed..."
Joseph Smith is a great example to us.  He acted in faith.  Very often we go through life wanting everything spoon-fed to us.  We do have to do our part.  However, we can't be too extreme in either direction.  Yes, faith implies work on our part, but it also implies dependence on the Lord, reliance on His word, and acceptance of His will.
If we truly understand Faith, then we will be faithful to Him.

Full Text - Basic List of What Moroni Taught

1st Visit
1. His name was Moroni and he was a messenger from God.
2. God had a work for Joseph Smith to do.
3. Joseph's name would be had for good and evil among all nations.
4. Gold plates were deposited, containing an account of people and the Gospel.
5. Other instruments were deposited as well, including the Urim & Thummim, instruments used in translating.
6. Joseph would obtain the plates later.
7. Joseph was to show these plates to nobody except those he was commanded to, or he would be destroyed.
8. Joseph saw in vision the place they were laid.

2nd Visit
All of the above, including:
9. Great judgments would come upon the earth in this generation.
10. Famine, sword, and pestilence.

3rd visit
All of the above, including:
11. Joseph was cautioned that Satan would try to tempt him to use the plates to get rich.
12. Joseph was to use the plates only to glorify God and to build His Kingdom.

4th visit
All of the above, including:
13. Joseph was to go to his father and tell him of the vision and commandments.

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