Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1 Nephi Chapter 8

8:24,25,30 - Some fell away, while others stayed strong.
The Tree of Life is not necessarily the destination.  We must act in faith and press forward holding onto the rod of iron...but what about afterward?  
We still need to hold strong because it's not over at that point!  If we will hold strong, then we can avoid the pitfalls of complacency and entitlement.

8:33 - "...but we heeded them not."
When the wicked mocked the righteous, some didn't pay attention to the mocking.  
We must do the same - it doesn't matter what they may say - if we are truly doing our best, then we don't need other people's opinions.  We just do our best and the Lord makes up the rest.

8:37 - "And he did exhort them with all the feeling of a tender parent..."
Lehi saw in vision that Laman and Lemuel would reject the fruit - so he talked and preached to them with fervor, because he wanted them to have that joy also.
We need to make sure we don't give up on our children...but to teach continually, and pray for them, no matter what.

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