Friday, July 6, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 10

10:3 - "...Christ...should be his name..."
Up until this time, the Book of Mormon used the Hebrew form of the word "Christ," which is "Messiah."  The Book of Mormon was written in Reformed Egyptian, a mixture of Egyptian and Hebrew.  It would not make sense that they would use the Greek form of the word...unless it was revealed to them.  At this point, an angel visits Jacob and reveals this name to him.  From then on, this version of the name is used in the Book of Mormon.  It's a great principle of revelation, and then application of that revelation.

10:3-5 - "...and there is none other nation on earth that would crucify their God..."
This attitude and state that the people had reached that they would be willing to crucify their God is really sad, and is a result of priestcrafts and iniquities.  If we don't pay attention, we could do the same today and reject God because of our obsession with priestcrafts and iniquities.

10:11-14 - "...there shall be no kings upon the land...for he that raiseth up a king against me shall perish..."
I really like this promise.  The way the government is set up today in the United States is amazing, and gives representation to us...the people.  We are blessed to be able to play a role in who represents us and the laws that we put on the land and people.  We need to take advantage of this system to bless the people of America and the world, and not set up Kings who will reign in oppression, etc.

10:20-22 - "...great are the promises of the Lord unto them who are upon the isles of the sea..."
I have seen a lot of these promises and blessings while serving as a missionary in the West Indies.  These people are greatly blessed as they keep the commandments, just as much as I have seen others blessed as they do the same.  God is no respecter of persons.

10:23 - "...cheer up your hearts...remember that ye are free to act for yourselves..."
This is very true.  We have the freedom to act for ourselves, especially living in such a great country.  That alone should cheer up our hearts.  We are very blessed, and we need to be grateful to the Lord for giving us these great blessings!
This is also a great application of faith.  We really should be acting in faith and not expect everything to be put into our laps.  We act in faith, yes...but that does not mean that we have to be stoic about it.  We can and should be cheerfully doing everything in our power to come unto Christ ourselves, and then help others do the same.

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