Tuesday, July 17, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 21

21:1-5 - "...a rod out of the stem of Jesse..."
The rod out of the stem of Jesse is Jesus Christ.  He will come forth and lead us during the Millenium - so we must choose now which side we're on, then act!  Keep the commandments, and keep His righteousness, or priesthood.

21:2-3 - "...and shall make him of quick understanding...spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord..."
There's a difference between "doubting" fear and fear of the Lord.  "Doubting" fear leaves no room for growth or trust in the Lord.  "Doubting" fear is detrimental.  Fear of the Lord is based on faith.  We "fear" the Lord inasmuch as we respect Him and act in faith.  This is how we can be guided and gain a more perfect understanding.

21:6-9 - "...the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb..."
That will be an awesome day when the aggressive predators will mingle with the docile ones.  They won't hurt or destroy each other because the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.
It's amazing how much our behavior changes when we truly understand the doctrine.  Let us understand.

21:13 - "...the envy of Ephraim shall also depart..."
Awesome...I pray for this, at least in the way the Lord wants it.  I think I may be a bit too much envious.  The Lord can help us, though, and help our weaknesses become strengths.  I'm so grateful for that help, or I would be very lost.

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