Monday, July 9, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 13

13:1-5 - This passage gives a list of things that will be taken away in the last days.
The things that will be taken away are all symbols of a powerful society (mighty man, man of war, judge, prophet, captain of fifty, cunning artificer, eloquent orator, etc.).  In the last days society will be changed from a powerful society and rendered to a society of chaos and disrespect.  We can see some hints of that prophecy already with the rampant disrespect, pride, and entitlement views of many children.  This shows the importance of discipline - we need to make sure that our children know that when they make a mistake, there are consequences.  By being a good example, we can also help them know what they need to do.

13:6-8 - "...thou has clothing, be thou our ruler..."
At that time, many will look to anyone that has any success to be their leader.  This can be sad if they do not look to support themselves and seek to use these leaders as a crutch.  Maybe it will become so bad that even the people who are quite capable will be in the same boat.
If we have our food storage and are prepared while keeping the commandments, we will have less to fear.

13:9 - "...the show of their countenance doth witness against them..."
People can tell if we've been sinning or if we are clean.  It shows in our countenance.  If there's any problem, we must have faith in the Lord and go fix the problem.  The Lord wants us to be happy...and that will come through righteous living.

13:16-17 - "...the daughters of Zion are haughty..."
This isn't talking about the population of the world in general...this is describing the daughters of Zion!  Even the very elect can become proud and haughty - and when it gets that bad, it's only a matter of time to downfall.  We need to be vigilant in keeping the commandments and staying true to the faith.

13:18-26 - "...the men shall fall by the sword..."
When women go bad, men go bad, too.  We need the support of each other to stay on the right path.  It's tough, but we need to each do our part.

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