Sunday, July 8, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 12

12:2 - "...the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains..."
That's very interesting - in the movie "House of the Lord," it talks about this subject.  Not only are we building temples in the mountains, but the word "Utah" itself means "top of the mountains."  In this sense, prophecy has been and is being fulfilled, and we're a part of it.  Prophecies will continue to be fulfilled, and we should participate by "flowing" unto the temple.

12:6-22 - This passage describes the conditions of pride in our days.
We worship the works of our own hands instead of being grateful that the Lord gave us the talent to be able to take care of things, build things, help people, be a leader, and so much more.  As we are grateful, we give credit where credit is due, and this helps remove pride, or at least a lot of it.
The main point comes a little later in verse 22 - "cease ye from man." We must remove ourselves from the tendency towards the natural man, become as a little child, and humble ourselves before we are humbled by external forces.

12:22 - "...cease ye from man..."
It's surprising sometimes how much faith we have in man and man's abilities, but not faith in the Lord.  The abilities of man testifies of the abilities of the Lord.  We must trust the Lord and not lean on the natural man.  We can still trust man, but have faith in the Lord.
As we act in faith, the more we will put off the natural man!

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