Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 15

15:4 - "...what could have been done more to my vineyard that I have not done in it..."
The Lord has truly put in a lot of effort and work to help the vineyard...and now it is up to us to do our part.

15:13 - "...therefore, my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge..."
Knowledge is power.  We have the opportunities and experiences because we learn.  We receive knowledge.  As we learn, we need to apply what we learn, or we may lose what we had, losing also the knowledge that we could have had.  In that vein, then, a lack of knowledge is a form of captivity.  If we don't know a principle, how can we apply it?  We don't receive many blessings because we don't know about them.  If we want these blessings, we must apply what we already know, and then seek for more knowledge.

15:26-29 - "...none shall slumber nor sleep..."
They will always be ready - strong and firm.
This seems to be describing our day and maybe some of the technology that has or will be invented (a car is ready at a moment's notice to carry us away safely).  We must always be ready, and use what the Lord has given us to further His work along.

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