Saturday, July 7, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 11

11:2 - " soul delighteth in the words of Isaiah..."
Isaiah testified of Christ, in many different ways.  If we will delight in the words of Isaiah, read, study, and ponder these words...we can and will come closer to Jesus Christ.

11:3 - " the words of three...I will establish my word..."
Witnesses are so important.  We have witnesses to the truth to help establish the validity of it.  We have witnesses to ordinances to help ensure obedience to those ordinances.  Our own example should be such that we are witnesses of God at all times and in all things and in all places, or our own actions will witness against us (Mosiah 18:9).

11:4 - " soul delighteth in proving unto my people the truth of the coming of Christ..."
What really gives me joy?  I think it's helping others...making them laugh and helping them learn.  There are many types of "aha!" moments.  We do not have to limit ourselves to humor or astonishment.  We can and must continue to learn and share with others.  As we do so, we are helping them come unto Christ.

11:4 - "...all things...are the typifying of him..."
This says that all things testify of Christ (Moses 6:63).  Light, nature, music...everything!  We just need to look at everything and see how they each can bring us closer to Him.

11:5-6 - " soul delighteth in the covenants of the Lord..."
This is the type of faith that we must have...the kind that means that we are happy and excited to keep the covenants that we have made.  The kind that pushes us to share our blessings and insights with others and help them come unto Christ.
God must be so sad when he sees us go through terrible times.  He must cry out and want to help us, but with His wisdom and mercy, he allows horrible things to happen so we can learn and be a strength to those who need help in their own times of trial.  It is a great blessing to be grateful for.

11:8 - "...liken them unto you..."
We can read all we want, but until we apply what we learn, we go nowhere...and actually regress if we aren't careful.  If we aren't progressing, we regress.  There is no "stagnation."

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