Wednesday, July 4, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 8

8:1-2 - "...look unto the rock from whence ye are hewn...look unto Abraham, your father, and unto Sarah..."
The Abrahamic covenant applies to us, and if we follow the example of Abraham and Sarah (implied through the verbiage "look"), then we will receive those blessings.

8:4-7 - Chaiasmus
It looks like this passage is a chaiasmus, with the focus being on "lift up your eyes to the heavens."  We are often told to "look" or "lift up our eyes."  This implies action on our part.  If we want the blessings, we need to follow the required commandments.

8:5 - "Righteousness"
Very often when you see the word "Righteousness" in Biblical passages (mainly the Old Testament) and Isaiah passages, it's referring to the Melchizedek Priesthood.  Melchizedek was the "King of Righteousness."  It makes sense in this passage because the word "righteous" is being used as a noun and not an attribute.  It also makes sense because it says, "my righteousness is near; my salvation is gone forth," - which goes together.  Salvation comes from the ordinances properly administered by the correct authority - the priesthood.

8:5 - "...the isles shall wait upon me, and on mine arm shall they trust..."
We must have faith in the Lord and trust Him.  It's difficult sometimes when we can't see the end from the beginning, but if we do trust Him, we will get the blessings from following Him.

8:12 - "...who art thou, that thou shouldst be afraid of men..."
We must not be afraid of men, but rather fear the Lord and follow His teachings and commandments.

8:20 - "...thy sons have fainted, save these two..."
There are a lot more questions about this passage of scripture than there are answers.  If this is referring to the two prophets at Jerusalem as described in Revelations (Revelations 11:3-12), then what does this passage mean by the fainted part?  Will all the rest of the prophets have fainted at that point?  Will there just be two prophets left?  When it says "prophets," does this mean prophets from the First Presidency or Quorum of the 12, or prophets raised up from the Jews?  There are a lot of questions, but few answers.

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