Thursday, July 12, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 16

16:2 - Seraphim
The wings that covered the face represent power, the wings that covered his feet represent dominance and speed, and the wings that were used to fly represent spiritual dominance.
These Seraphim are servants of the Lord, empowered with great blessings.
As we serve the Lord, we are also empowered with blessings...but we need to be worthy of them.

16:4-5 - "...the house filled with smoke..."
This represents God - or the Lord...a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.
How will we recognize the Savior?  What is our personal way of knowing that He is the Christ?

16:9-10 - "...make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy...lest they...hear with their ears and understand with their heart, and be converted and be healed..."
This shows the Lord's mercy!  He's not doing this so His people won't receive blessings...he's doing it because they aren't ready for it yet.  This testifies to me that the Lord loves me and will give me experiences and trials and blessings as I'm ready to receive them.  I can move forward in faith, both when I don't receive experiences that I think I should have, and also when I receive experiences that I think I shouldn't have.

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