Friday, July 13, 2012

2 Nephi Chapter 17

17:10-13 - "...I will not...tempt the Lord..."
True, normally it's better to not ask God for a says that a wicked and adulterous generation will ask for a sign.  But in this case, the Lord (through the prophet) tells Ahaz to ask for a sign.  If the prophet tells us to do something, we'd better do it.  It's not a double standard - it's personal, situational revelation.

17:10-13 - "...the Lord spoke unto Ahaz..."
This is a matter of learning to trust the Lord, and have faith in His revelation. We may have a previous understanding based on our reading of scripture and interpretation...but we need to be willing to listen to personal revelation.  That's much more important.  Continuous revelation is wonderful, but we must accept it.

17:18-19 - "...the Lord shall hiss for the fly...for the bee..."
This is a symbol of the gathering of Israel.  They will be gathered from all over.
We need to gather ourselves, then help gather others.

17:21-22 - " that day...abundance of milk and butter..."
The prosperity of that time of gathering will be so great that they will have butter...normally a delicacy and not to be had during famine.  It's going to be a great time for the righteous...we should be righteous, even if we don't receive great blessings.

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