Monday, July 30, 2012

Jacob Chapter 1

1:5-7"...because of faith and great anxiety..."
Faith in the Lord leads to a better understanding of the Character of God and our ability to become like Him.  Then we see the worth of others and have anxiety for them.  We want the best for them.  So we persuade them to come unto Christ.  It's the natural thing to do as we come closer to Christ ourselves.

1:7"...we labored diligently among our people, that we might persuade them to come unto Christ..."
Jacob knew what he had to do, and he did it diligently.  We know our work (D&C 11:20) and our glory (Alma 29:9) we should accomplish it diligently.

1:19"...we did magnify our office unto the Lord..."
Magnifying our callings has a connotation of working hard at our calling.  That's true, but it's more than that.  We could be doing a lot for our calling, but still diminishing our office.  "Magnifying" it implies that we are bringing the calling under scrutiny, and that as we faithfully serve, others see the importance that we place upon our callings, so they will do the same in their callings.  We should not be disappointed in a calling, neither prideful.  We must be humble and do all we can to fulfill the calling.  Not only will we be happier, but others will be happier, too, as they do the same from following our examples (Jacob 2:2-3).

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