Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jacob Chapter 7

7:5,12"...And he had hope to shake me from the faith, notwithstanding the many revelations and the many things which I had seen concerning these things; for I truly had seen angels, and they had ministered unto me. And also, I had heard the voice of the Lord speaking unto me in very word, from time to time; wherefore, I could not be shaken..."
Jacob had great faith in the Lord, and could not be shaken.  This is because he not only saw angels and heard the voice of the Lord, but he also had it witnessed unto him by the power of the Holy Ghost.  Laman and Lemuel, Jacob's brothers, also saw angels and did not have faith to not be shaken.  They did not act on the experiences they had received and develop unshakeable faith.  If they had, they could have been like unto Jacob and received a witness from the Holy Ghost.  We all have experiences that give us the possibility to become like God and have faith in Him and His Son.  It's how we receive these experiences and how we act on our faith that determines how we will grow.

7:8"...but behold, the Lord God poured in his Spirit into my soul, insomuch that I did confound him in all his words..."
The other day I was thinking about following the Spirit, and if there were other lesser well-known examples of being guided by the Spirit in the scriptures.  This appears to be one of those accounts (much like Nephi in 1 Nephi 4:6).
I like this, because even face to face with a tough enemy of the church, the Spirit can help us say the right things.
We just need to be worthy at all times to receive it!

7:10-12"...And I said unto him: Believest thou the scriptures? And he said, Yea. And I said unto him: Then ye do not understand them; for they truly testify of Christ..."
Understanding is so important.  When we understand true doctrine, our behavior improves automatically.  If Sherem had understood the scriptures, he would have understood that Jesus was the Christ, and that He would come to save us from our sins.  Sherem's behavior would have been to help others to come unto Christ.  We see that right after the sign was given from Jacob, Sherem understood immediately what he had been doing, and that God knew.  So what happened?  His behavior improved, immediately.  We just need to search for understanding, then improve our behavior, daily and immediately.

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