Thursday, August 9, 2012

Words of Mormon

verses 1-2 - "...behold I have witnessed almost all the destruction of my people, the Nephites..."
Many of the Book of Mormon prophets had this same sad experience, whether in vision or in their own lives.  To see the destruction of your own people must be a tough experience!  If I experienced the same thing, think I would pray for the same blessings that these prophets prayed for...that the words of the Book of Mormon might one day touch the lives of so many more people and help them to come unto Christ.  I have personally been so blessed by living the teachings taught in the Book of Mormon, and I am grateful to the Lord and all the prophets and writers...for putting in the effort, thought, and prayers.  It has helped me so much, and I know that I am closer to Christ because of it.  I hope that my own writings and teachings correspond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and help others come unto Him, too.

verses 6-7 - "...and I do this for a wise purpose..."
Mormon followed the Spirit and had faith that putting these records into the Book of Mormon had a wise purpose.  Because of his faith and actions, we have great truths that we can learn about and follow.
If we want to be effective servants, we must have faith and follow the Spirit.

verse 14 - " the strength of the Lord they did contend against their enemies..."
Sometimes the Lord takes sides in a battle...but it's always the right side.
If we want to be on the right side, we must take the Lord's side. To know which side this is, we must listen to the Prophet as well as the Holy Ghost.

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