Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mosiah Chapter 13

13:25-26 - "...if ye had [taught this people to keep the commandments], the Lord would not have caused me to come forth and to prophesy evil concerning this people..."
Good point!
If the prophet says that there is something wrong, it probably means...that something is wrong!  However, when a message comes during General Conference, it is going to the church in general.  This is why it is important to have the Spirit with us in a greater measure.  The specific message to us in where we need to change and improve will be different from others.

We have to be willing to self-inspect and change if we need to.

13:28 - "...salvation doth not come by the law alone..."
You have to find the happy medium...we are not saved solely by the law, but we are also not saved solely through the Atonement.
We each have our own roles, and we must follow those roles.  We cannot take Christ out of the picture, but we also cannot take ourselves out of the picture if we want to have eternal life, returning to live with God and the Son.

13:32 - "...for they understood not that there could not any man be saved except it were through the redemption of God..."
It's all about understanding.  If they truly understood the purpose of the redemption, they would keep the commandments.  We also need to make sure that we understand and keep the commandments.  As we do so, we come closer to Christ, who made it possible for us to be saved.

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