Friday, August 10, 2012

Mosiah Chapter 1

1:2-5 - "...the sons of King Benjamin were taught in all the language of their that they might know concerning the prophecies...which were engraven on the plates of brass...otherwise they would have suffered in ignorance..."
If they would not have had the Brass Plates, they would have dwindled in unbelief...much like Omni 1:17.

1:7 - "...I would that ye should remember to search them diligently..."
This reminder is also shown in D&C 1:37-38.  Search the commandments, because in them, the prophecies are found...and they will be fulfilled.  There's no better way to be prepared than to...prepare.  We do that by searching the commandments and following them.

1:17 - "...therefore, as they were unfaithful they did not prosper nor progress in their journey..."
We are the same in our own journey in life.  If we are faithful, we will receive the direction and guidance that we need.  Otherwise, we will be reminded, sometimes in a harsh manner, of what we need to do to become faithful again.

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