Friday, August 17, 2012

Mosiah Chapter 8

8:8 - "...And they were lost in the wilderness for the space of many days, yet they were diligent..."
Even though the people that were sent forth became lost, they were still diligent.  They were blessed to find the records of the Jaredites.

Even if we seem to be lost, we are still being guided if we are keeping the commandments.

8:13 - "...I can assuredly tell thee, O king, of a man that can translate the records; for he has wherewith that he can look, and translate all records that are of ancient date; and it is a gift from God. And the things are called interpreters, and no man can look in them except he be commanded, lest he should look for that he ought not and he should perish. And whosoever is commanded to look in them, the same is called seer..."
Not only was king Limhi being taught here, but also Joseph Smith.  It says that no man can look into the interpreters except he be commanded.  This was probably after the 116 lost pages incident that Joseph Smith reached this part of the Joseph probably had some explanation to why there were huge consequences.  It relates even more to Oliver Cowdery and his attempt to use the interpreters.  That didn't work for many reasons, and this is probably one of them.

We also must act when we are commanded.

8:18 - "...thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings..."
it is a blessing to receive faith.  Yes, it's a responsibility and a commandment, but it is also a blessing.  Thus we have the responsibility when we receive faith to share that with lift them and be instruments in God's hands to bring them unto Christ.

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