Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mosiah Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - "...Isaiah speaks messianically..."
It's interesting to note that Abinadi quotes Isaiah and teaches about Jesus Christ.  That doesn't seem too abnormal...and it isn't!
The prophets teach about Jesus Christ even more than condemning behavior because when we understand true doctrine, our behavior improves automatically.
Alma understood Abinadi's words.
I also need to understand the words of the prophets - from the past as well as today.

14:2-3 - "...and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not..."
If we find that we are "hiding our faces" from the Lord, then we know that we need to repent and change the way we am doing things, but also why we do them.
We need to leave both sin and the desire to sin behind.

14:6 - "...all we like sheep have gone astray..."
We all go astray in some manner or another.  We all need to come back to God and Jesus Christ.  This takes faith to come back.  But we have to act on that faith, or it doesn't benefit us at all...that's just how it goes.

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