Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mosiah Chapter 3

3:1-2 - "...and the things which I shall tell you are made known unto me by an angel from God..."
King Benjamin describes in this chapter a very similar vision to the one that Nephi, Jacob, and Lehi had received relating to some of the history of the world.  It is a great testament to the principle of having more than one witness.

3:16-17 - "...little children...are blessed...there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ"
We only receive salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ, and even through Christ, we need to become as little children.  Child-like, that is...not child-ish.

3:19 - "...the natural man is an enemy to God..."
It takes faith to put off the natural man...great faith sometimes.  But that's what it takes.  If we don't have faith, we won't become meek and submissive.  We won't be humble and patient or full of love.  We need to have faith, and we gain faith by keeping our covenants.

Also...the "natural man" is really just our fallen state.  It's not our "natural" or "original" it says in Alma 41:4-5, at the last day all things will be restored to their "proper order" or their "natural frame"...with corruptibility putting on incorruptibility.
Our "natural frame" is our eternal nature...NOT the natural man.  If we keep this in mind, it will help us to make correct decisions, remembering that our natural desire is to become like God...and that our "fallen" desire is to be like the natural man.

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