Friday, August 24, 2012

Mosiah Chapter 15

15:5 - "...suffereth temptation, and yieldeth not to the temptation..."
The sin does not lie in the temptation, but in acting on that temptation.  Even Jesus was tempted...He did not act/succumb to the temptation.
If I want to be like the Savior, I will not succumb to temptation, or I will repent and do better next time.

15:10-11 - "...who shall be his seed?"
According to this passage, whomever wants to be the Lord's seed are those who:
1. Have heard the words of the prophets
2. Have hearkened unto those words
3. Have believed that the Lord would redeem his people
4. Have looked forward to that day for a remission of their sins.
All of these imply faith and work on our takes a lot longer than overnight to accomplish these "steps" or state of being.  However...if I want to be his seed, then I will do these things.

15:11 - "...who shall be his seed?"
If we want to be His seed, then we will have faith in the Lord.  We have to believe that He will redeem His people.  If we have this faith, then we will do what it takes to be His seed, which involves helping others come unto Him.  It's part of our act in faith.

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