Saturday, December 8, 2012

3 Nephi Chapter 1

1:8 - "...But behold, they did watch steadfastly for that day and that night and that day which should be as one day as if there were no night, that they might know that their faith had not been vain..."
The people watched steadfastly - it's important to not lose faith, even when what we expect doesn't seem to arrive.
In the last days, the Second Coming will come, but many will think that the time has already passed.
We must watch steadfastly.

1:9 - "...Now it came to pass that there was a day set apart by the unbelievers, that all those who believed in those traditions should be put to death except the sign should come to pass, which had been given by Samuel the prophet..."
There was a day set apart by the unbelievers - it doesn't say which day, but it was probably soon, so it surely tried their faith.
The Lord tries our faith to give us patience and tries our patience to give us faith.

1:12-14 - "...And it came to pass that he cried mightily unto the Lord all that day; and behold, the voice of the Lord came unto him..."
Nephi went through the same thing as the rest of the people.  Just because somebody is in a leadership position doesn't mean they don't go through what we do.  They also go through the same experiences, so we need to keep that in mind so we don't judge harshly - alternatively we can learn from their experiences in applying them to our own situations.

1:24-25 - "...And there were no contentions, save it were a few that began to preach, endeavoring to prove by the scriptures that it was no more expedient to observe the law of Moses. Now in this thing they did err, having not understood the scriptures. But it came to pass that they soon became converted, and were convinced of the error which they were in, for it was made known unto them that the law was not yet fulfilled, and that it must be fulfilled in every whit; yea, the word came unto them that it must be fulfilled; yea, that one jot or tittle should not pass away till it should all be fulfilled; therefore in this same year were they brought to a knowledge of their error and did confess their faults..."
A few people began to try to teach that the Law of Moses was over.  To their credit, when they understood, they were converted back to living the law until it was fulfilled, every whit.
We must not think that we can live a "higher law" until actually commanded to do so.  We must keep the commandments we have received, and then later it may be added upon.

1:30 - "...And thus were the Lamanites afflicted also, and began to decrease as to their faith and righteousness, because of the wickedness of the rising generation..."
Wickedness has a profound effect on faith.  This passage also shows that wickedness of others can also affect our faith.  If we want to have faith, then we must continually strive to be righteous and follow the commands/promptings we receive each day so we can avoid temptation and wickedness.

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